Solution Provider Informational Connects:
The POI is interested in software and consulting solution providers that enable and support the promotion cycle of the Consumer Goods industry. We look forward to understanding your company’s capabilities. Understanding and being involved with our POI solution provider community is key to understanding and best serving our industry. If you have a platform, product or service related to CPG digital, eCommerce, Data Management, Advanced Analytics, Optimization, Trade Promotion (TPx), Retail Execution (RetX), Sales Effectiveness, Revenue Management or services associated with the same, we would like to connect with your organization and learn more.
Guidance for when we meet informally or formally in a TPx or RetX Vendor Panorama demo for report publication:
Presentation slides and other collateral:
Please provide all slides and collateral a week prior to our interaction, so the POI team can review the documentation prior to our connect. This is important, so we can make relevant notes directly on the hard copy during the presentation. Presenters move quickly through information, and we can only write notes so fast. The POI team wants to focus on your content, capabilities and new advances and understand as much valuable information as possible, so we can best represent your organization in our publications, reports, plus with our Global CPG Members and in the marketplace.
For introductory meetings please provide: (1 hour)
- Overview of your company and leadership
- Headline overview of platform capabilities, go-to-market strategy and value in the marketplace – demonstrating what you solve for the industry
- Current and future roadmap
- Review of your platform differentiators
If mutually agreed, we can book a 90-minute demo to delve deeper into the capabilities after our introductory meeting.
For TPx and RetX Vendor Panoramas:
- New vendor panorama provider validation:
- Complete the Vendor Panorama Information Request Form (TIFR) and schedule an introductory call. TIFR can be obtained by emailing Joanie Hampton-Malin at
- Ongoing TPx Vendor Panorama Solutions providers will provide a refreshed TIFR and set a demo with POI based on the POI TPx and RetX calendar.
- TPx Vendor Panorama evaluations and demos (2 hour)are facilitated in late June and run into July with the final report publishing at the end of August. (2020 TPx VP is now closed to new entries). The TPx Vendor Panorama is a yearly report.
- RetX Vendor Panorama evaluation and demos are facilitated in January & February with the final panorama report publishing in March. The next RetX VP is Winter 2021 and is a biennial report, which delivers every other year.
POI typically doesn’t deal with confidential information in introductory meetings or vendor panorama solution provider updates. Our goal is to share your story and capabilities in the market. We have experienced solution provider updates in which the entire slide deck is noted as “confidential” at the bottom of the presentation. This is not the basis for a quality interaction, and POI requires the solution provider to determine what elements are confidential and share the important aspects that we can in turn share with CPG manufacturers. If your organization has an aspect that is confidential, please simply tell us and/or note the specific content area as confidential in the presentation.
For confidential information please be prepared to tell POI how long the information will be under embargo. We have found 60-90 days to be sufficient. If the confidentiality is longer than this period, please do not share the information.
Help us to continue learning about your organization:
Please include POI on your press distribution, newsletters and other communications. Connect with our team on LinkedIn, so we can share your journey with others. We enjoy hearing & socializing the progress you are making.
Interested in connecting with POI and sharing your organization’s capabilities? Please fill out your contact information below, and our team will reach out shortly.