The POI 2018 State of the Industry Survey
The Promotion Optimization Institute (POI) is conducting the annual industry survey to help you and your company improve promotion effectiveness & efficiency and retail execution to understand your business successes and challenges. Additionally, will help us to deliver research, best practices and POI Summit events that serve your advancement needs.
Please take 12-15 minutes to complete the confidential survey, which is broken down into two distinct yet related business processes: Trade Promotion Management (TPx– which includes trade promotion management and trade promotion optimization) and Retail Execution.
Survey Link; http://bit.ly/POI_2018_IndustrySurvey
Why this survey is important:
If you have taken this survey before, you will notice that the questions have been “refreshed” and the dynamics reflect the changes in consumer buying behavior and market landscape. Manufacturers and Retailers across the shifting ecosystem are working to understand the consumer, pricing, trade deals, digital marketing offers including digital exchange, shipping, hybrid direct to consumer.
Lines are blurring: channel or ecosystem; marketing spend or traditional trade? The results of the survey will reflect industry progress in the aggregate, and you will be able to utilize the survey results to benchmark your company.
Here is our promise to you:
POI will not share your information with anyone in the manufacturer/retailer competitive landscape. Your responses will be kept confidential. Only POI research staff will be involved in the collection and data analysis.
You will receive an advanced copy of the State of the Industry Report, as well as the opportunity to receive benchmarking relative to a group of anonymous peers by industry sub-segment. POI staff will reach out to you to see how we can better support you and your company on its journey to trade promotion excellence.
In addition, your organization will receive 3 complimentary registration passes for your internal team for the POI Summit of your choice.
- Gaining Competitive Advantage with Exceptional Retail Execution, September 26-28, in Morristown, NJ.
- Collaborative Marketing Driven by Data Analytics, November 7-9, in Dallas (Don’t miss the Revenue Management and Analytics pre-conference workshop, November 7th, 3-5 pm CDT. Space is limited to the first 35 Manufacturer and Retailer attendees)
You’ll also be put in a drawing to receive a $500.00 American Express Gift Certificate for taking the time to complete this important research survey.
Survey Link:
Developing the Collaborative Marketing and Leadership Skills Needed Today
Every Graduate of the POI Certification program at SJU has moved up in their companies, and career. Continuing education and building the skills within your organization has never been more important than it is today. The best organizations are developing their leaders by committing to training and education beyond the classroom to prepare their people for success across functions, and with trading partners. Learn from Certified Collaborative Marketers™ how they (along with their teams) are approaching skills development including their first-hand experience going through the POI Certified Collaborative Marketer (CCM)™ program.
Moderator: John L. Stanton, PhD, Professor of Food Marketing, Saint Joseph’s University
Panelists: Howard Brathwaite, Principal, Trident Global Services, LLC
Veronica Escalante, Customer Development Manager, Sprout Foods, Inc.,
Michael Marzano, Business Technology-Sales, Sysco Corporate
Gustavo Zanin, IT Lead Sales LATAM, Johnson & Johnson Learn more!
Every Graduate of the POI Certification program at SJU has moved up in their companies, and career. Continuing education and building the skills within your organization has never been more important than it is today. The best organizations are developing their leaders by committing to training and education beyond the classroom to prepare their people for success across functions, and with trading partners. Learn from Certified Collaborative Marketers™ how they (along with their teams) are approaching skills development including their first-hand experience going through the POI Certified Collaborative Marketer (CCM)™ program.
Moderator: John L. Stanton, PhD, Professor of Food Marketing, Saint Joseph’s University
Panelists: Howard Brathwaite, Principal, Trident Global Services, LLC
Veronica Escalante, Customer Development Manager, Sprout Foods, Inc.,
Michael Marzano, Business Technology-Sales, Sysco Corporate
Gustavo Zanin, IT Lead Sales LATAM, Johnson & Johnson Learn more!
Industry News
View the Complete AI, ML, RGM, and eComm Agenda at POI Source: (POI Summit 9/26-9/28 2018)
Register today to join Wakefern, PepsiCo, Hershey, Colgate, Pfizer, Kellogg, Meijer, Pinnacle Foods, SAP, Kind Snacks, Campbell, and more, while learning success cases with Retail Execution, eCommerce, AI, RGM and Analytics from J&J, EY, Church & Dwight, SAP, Mondelēz, Kantar Consulting, Constellation Brands, AFS, Sysco, Mars and more at the POI RE Summit, September 26-28. Retailers and Manufacturers can still register today. See the complete agenda, and register here
Hershey Makes e-Commerce a Priority Source: (Food Dive September, 2018)
Hershey executives told reporters Thursday that “digital will be fundamental to our DNA going forward,” included in everything from their data analytics of online shoppers to whom they hire to work for Hershey. The company also restructured its departments earlier this year so that digital-focused employees could be integrated directly into the company’s sales and marketing sectors. Learn more
Coca-Cola’s Digital Transformation – Execution! Source: (The Drum September 14, 2018)
Coca-Cola is even smarter to establish a four-part digital transformation strategy to make ‘buying the world a Coke’ a truly digital experience. But success isn’t only about being smart-it’s about execution. Coke, with a rich, hundred-year legacy, can bring in new tools and technologies, update its workflows and execute on its digital transformation strategy. Learn more
Walmart Revamps Jet.com to Take on Amazon Source (Motley Fool September 14, 2018)
Walmart’s latest move is a complete revamp of Jet.com, the e-commerce company it bought in 2016 for $3.3 billion. The new version of Jet.com is highly focused on urban dwellers, including images and products tailored toward shoppers’ locations. Customers in New York will be able to receive same-day shipping on select products, similar to Amazon Prime Now. Learn more
Heineken asks Consumers to Celebrate What’s Inside Source: (Bev Industry September 12, 2018)
Beginning in November, the campaign will be completed with TV, online digital video and social media activations that take common beliefs in everyday life and cast them in a fresh and witty Heineken point of view to drive consideration for consumers to purchase Heineken for their holiday parties and celebrations, it adds. Learn more
POI Fall Annual Summit, Dallas, TX “Collaborative Marketing Driven By Data Analytics“,
November 7-9, 2018
Join us for a Celebration, POI’s 10th Year Anniversary, with 300+ CPG and Retailer peers! Attendees include: Colgate-Palmolive Maple Leaf Foods, Nestle, Starbucks, Church & Dwight, Kellogg, Tree House Foods, Pharmavite, Duracell, Energizer, Keurig, Dr. Pepper, 7-Eleven, Tillamook, Constellation Brands, Bimbo Bakeries, PepsiCo, Bush Brothers, Sargento, Rich Products, Bellisio Foods, Massimo Zanetti, DPSG, Deoleo Bertolli, Musco Family Olive, Daisy Brand, AAFES, Ajinomoto Windsor, Walgreen’s, Blue Buffalo, Pinnacle Foods, California Olive Ranch, Del Monte Foods, Mondelez, ConAgra, Palmero Villa, Novartis, J&J, Red Bull, Hormel, Clif Bar, Crayola, Cargill, Brown Forman, Campbell Soup,Abbott Nutrition, Johnsonville, Kimberly Clark, Southern Glazers Wine & Spirit and more! Register here
POI 2018 TPx Panorama Released – Announces Best in Class! Source: (Crossroads – NBC News 8-27-2018)
“Consumer buying behavior and the market landscape have dramatically changed in the last few years, which is further fueling a necessary but profound paradigm shift in the CPG ecosystem that calls for manufacturers and retailers to understand not only the consumer but pricing, trade deals, and digital marketing offers in today’s retail marketplace,” said Pam Brown, Chief Commercial Officer of the POI. “What we have found and reported in this year’s report is that vendors have upped their game and are offering predictive analytics, AI, machine learning, in-flight promotion tracking and other leading-edge capabilities that will help drive efficiency and trade.” Learn more, and access the report here
THIS TUESDAY, 9/18/18 3pmCET -Webinar – Register Here
Campbell’s New CEO to Optimize Marketing Source: (FoodBizNews Sept. 2018)
To maximize margins and cash flow with Campbell’s, Swanson and Chunky brands, Campbell Soup will increase and optimize marketing to drive purchase intent, he said, focusing on convenient, affordable and delicious meal solutions and using price-pack architecture to differentiate and sustain margins.Learn more
General Mills Tests Geo-Targeted, On-Demand Delivery Source: (Food Dive September 10, 2018)
General Mills has launched the first ever on-demand, geo-targeted ice cream delivery app, Häagen-Dazs NOW, reported Food Navigator. It also allows customers to track the status of their deliveries in real time. Learn more
General Mills has launched the first ever on-demand, geo-targeted ice cream delivery app, Häagen-Dazs NOW, reported Food Navigator. It also allows customers to track the status of their deliveries in real time. Learn more
Scholarship opportunities available!
“I truly enjoy meeting as a group and learning from the professors and colleagues at the POI Certified Collaborative Marketer program at Saint Joseph’s University.
Thanks for putting this certification program together, it’s fantastic!” said Veronica Escalante, Customer Development Manager, Sprout Foods, Inc Learn more
Lego on the Influencer Marketing Bubble Source: (The Drum September 12, 2018)
We measure the success of the campaigns with influencers based on the purpose of the collaboration. It can be sales, awareness or engagement, but it’s also important to consider the value created long term where influencers can get involved in product development, Said Lars Silberbauer, global director of social media and search, Lego Group. Learn more
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